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S.W.A.T. America
Spiritual Warfare for America Team

America is in a state of deep moral decline. It appears only a move of God can change the direction of our nation. Members of our prayer team are praying every morning between 6:00-800 AM CST. Please join us during this time knowing that you are praying along with many others for the future of our nation.
1. Ask God to pour out His Spirit on our nation as prophesied in Acts 2.
2. Pray for an renewal beginning in the House of God, the Church, and spreading across the entire country.
3. Pray for a new anointing on pastors and Christian leaders across the USA and for boldness to speak the truth of God's word. Pray for their protection.
4. Ask God to open the eyes of those blinded by Satan to the truth of the Gospel, and for salvation for all who hunger for truth and righteousness.
5. Pray Psalm 91:1-10 over your family.
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